Trustees seek public feedback on Oxford South Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (OSAAR)

Posted On Thursday June 27, 2024

On Tuesday, Thames Valley District School Board Trustees supported plans to seek public feedback on the Oxford South Elementary Panel Attendance Area Review (OSAAR) initial report.  

The report includes options for balancing enrolment at Annandale Public School, South Ridge Public School and Westfield Public School in Oxford County.  

Next steps will involve forming an Attendance Area Review Committee (AARC) as well as school level sub-committees with parent/guardian representatives from each affected elementary school. The sub-committees will hold meetings with their school communities to gather public feedback about the options under consideration. 

Boundary changes would only take effect following public consultation and Trustee approvals. The soonest the Board would implement any attendance area changes would be September 2026.  

For more information, including interactive maps where families can search to see if their address is within the proposed attendance areas, please visit?
